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Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Bro...My sis.... The healthiest!

It's common these days that students travel across cities, states and even countries for education. The world is indeed shrinking. So, is your brother or sister or child leaving for higher education? And you are worried about his/her health and food intake; especially because he/she has always been far far away from kitchen area. Perhaps, the only thing they could ever cook was a cup of tea.

No worried. We have a gift-idea which would reduce some of your anxieties. The idea is not something sexy... instead, it's a very practical kitchen tool - Rice Cooker.
Brother Sister Gift Idea

It's very easy to cook rice in this piece of wonder. The modern models even have timer and temperature options. They can even keep rice warm safety up to about 24 hours. They can even be used to cook full meals if rice is mixed with vegetables or lentils. It's hard to go wrong with this convenient kitchen-gadget.

A gift should not just be an expensive piece of show-piece bought from some mall. It should be highly usable and practicle, especially when it concerns someone very close to you.

So, cheer up and bid bbye to your loved one going away for studies. We are sure this rice cooker will help them stay healthy.


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