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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Boys will be Boys!

Your husband's birthday is coming up, and you're clueless what to buy for him!
Tada, here is a gift idea. If your hubby darling is a Gaming fanatic (which almost 99.9% percent men are.. and the remaining .01% rare species has disappeared and gone to Mars), then how about gifting him about a gaming CD !

1. If you have a computer desktop/laptop at home, then PC Games is an easy choice. You can get plenty of them available at a store nearby or http://www.ebay.com/ etc
2. If he has a gaming console (Like XBox or PlayStation), then you can gift him the associated Gaming CD. They are available in nearby stores , http://www.ebay.com/ , etc. Check out some games here: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/

As a suggestion, FIFA is a polished and captivating game. The tournaments always keep the game exciting. Both XBox and Play station have superb graphics.

And guess what, slightly older versions of game can come really cheap(for example a 2008 version would cost much cheaper in 2009).

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