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Friday, May 15, 2009

Generation Z

There was a time when being called 'A Generation-X kid' seemed thirst-quenching to us. There was something maverick about belonging to that group. But time flew by, and today Gen-Z is surpassing many limits which Gen-x could never even imagine. It's correctly said, that which seems the height of absurdity in one generation often becomes the height of wisdom in another. Somehow, the generation gap keeps widening.

As a result, just the idea of gifting something to your college going niece or nephew leaves you dumbstruck.

"Would they appreciate books... Nah, they would think I'm the typical boring Aunt/uncle. "

"Would they appreciate apparel.....Nopes, they would call our choices outdated."

To gift something to this generation, you need to think in their terms. How do they see the world? Research a little about your niece or nephew's interests. Whether they are interested in sports, computers, fashion, music, movies etc. And once you hit the jackpot, arrange for an yearly subscription of a Magazine associated with that field.

The Gen-Z kid would love to keep herself/himself updated with the latest in their beloved field.

But keep in mind, that the magazine and its content is something of their taste, and age level. If it is too simplistic they will get bored quickly. If it is too heavy, then it would stay in shelf forever.

Wish you happy connection with the Kool Kids.

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TribalArtery said...

Thanks for this blog. Gifts are tough to find and decide on.

In a matter of self-interest, may I direct your readers to http://www.Native-JewelryLink.com for gifts of Native American Indian jewelry. Lovely stuff.


MAG Team said...

Hello Susanne,
Thanks for appreciation.

We were planning to put up a list of online/offline stores.

So, yes we can include your store's name in that list. Just send us a short writeup about your business, how long you have been in business, USP etc at madaboutgifts@gmail.com. Keep the subject of email as "Online Store".