If you’re searching for a Gift for someone, and you need some help, then

1. As a first step browse through our Archives here. For your convenience, categories are listed on the side-bar. We are sure that you would find something nice here.

2. If you think you have a very special case, and you need extra-extra help, then ..... Click here to read further

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's Business, Baby

Recession is the buzz word these days. People love to talk about it all the time. Somehow knowing that other people are in the same boat helps keeping the spirits high. But knowing is not enough. You need to take a step ahead if you wanna stay in business.

The first thing you can do is to streamline your processes and decrease your inefficiencies. But, we all know, Business takes a little more than streamlined processes. Let's be practical about it. You need to keep your client happy. Personal relations do matter.

So, what do you gift to your client as a token of your appreciation for the business opportunities he/she is giving you? The gift should be pleasing, yet not screaming "Gimme more business, Gimme more business..." kinds.

We suggest:

1. If your client's contact person is a lady, send her a box/basket of cookies.

2. If the contact person is a guy, consider sending a bottle of nice wine. It can be red or white or perhaps both if you are feeling too generous ;-)

3. Liquor chocolates also form a great gift.

And yea, don't forget to send along a note of appreciation and how much you value their association.

Wish you tons of Business coming up

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L. Venkata Subramaniam said...

wow is giving gifts allowed? I thought it may be construed as a bribe?

MAG Team said...

Hello Venkat,
Bribe is, when you are giving something to get something done in return. There is a hidden or apparent agenda behind it.

Whereas, when you give something just to show your appreciation, it's a gift. It's just a token of appreciation. Nothing more, nothing less.

WagerWitch said...

Ahhhhhh - But I would love the wine and not the cookies.....

Nice wine tote that...

MAG Team said...

Lol, WW.... We hope your business associates or friends are reading this.
Now they know what to send you for a gift ;-)