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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Your First Lady (Mother's Day Special)

As we grow, we want our mother for every little thing. We depend on her. We want her to be there all the time.

When you are an infant you scream for her attention with your tiny cries...Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Then, words take their place.

Mom, where are my socks! Mom, where is my watch?
Mom, would you make dinner for 2 more people... ma friends are coming over for combined studies.
No Mama, Jess is not my boyfriend,com'on... ok, yea. So you like him?
Mom, we'll arrange pink roses on my wedding reception's day. She likes pink roses better.
Mum, loom at your grandchild.... He looks just like her mother....

But gradually, we stop calling out to her. The frequeny of our calls decreases. It's not that we are bad-bad-kids. It's just that we get busy coping up with life.

And though we believe everyday is a Mother's day, we urge you to take a step this 10th May. Make 'Your First Lady' feel special. Here, are some ideas:

(If you live in the same city)
1. Mom's love it when their Children spend some exclusive time with them. Take her out to a nice restaurant. Treat her like a 'Lady'.
2. No matter how practical Moms are, they are just like any other women: Gift her a bouquet of flowers she love.
3. Take her out to places you hang out: Show her your Office, introduce her to your colleagues, friends... She's gonna love it.
4. Bake a cake for her. Com'on you can do that. Ok... fine... atleast buy the prettiest one from the best Bakery shop in your town.

(If you're somewhere else)
5. Send her Handmade greeting card. (Psst.....If you are just like us, and can't draw a line straight, then buy a greeting at a nearby store or online.)
6. Send her a Makeup Kit (If you're a guy and have no clue about Makeup, take your girlfriend's or female friend's help)
7. Send her a lovely Cardigan.
8. Send her a beautiful Handbag...
9. Buy her a beautiful Pearl Set.
10. If she doesn't has it yet, send her a mobile/cell phone so that you two can be in contact anytime.

And if by luck you're having a tight pocket right now, don't dispair. Mother's eye is just searching for true feelings
11. Take her out to a beach nearby... where you talk your hearts out. Have ice-creams and play like you used to when you were a kid.
12. Make a Video with the scanned photographs of you and her. Do add some suitable background music/song.

We hope you found some ideas here. Or maybe some idea helped you generate a newer one. It's a chain process. Whether you are a Mother or her child, tell us how your Mother's day turned out to be.

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Unknown said...

Hey, some nice ideas given here.
I have another idea. You can gift your mom a "Makeover". Everyone loves looking good. And I'm sure our Moms deserve that.

There are Gift vouchers available for that. Google it.

MAG Team said...

Hey, that's a nice idea... thanks